tirsdag, mars 29, 2016


Beklager at jeg ikke har lagt ut noe på en stund men ting har skjedd rundt meg som gjør at jeg må ha fokus på det...
Jeg kommer til og starte opp igjen i morgen fordi det er greit og ha andre ting å ha fokus på...
God natt 

Elsker denne t-skjorta!

torsdag, mars 24, 2016

onsdag, mars 23, 2016

mandag, mars 21, 2016

søndag, mars 20, 2016

Nytt sokkepar


lørdag, mars 19, 2016

onsdag, mars 16, 2016

Words before bedtime💤

Wise people travel to find themselves 💕


A little funny observation: I've been single for a while.And  I am on the dating pages BUT: I have noticed something:
The longer I am on these pages the more "handsome" boys/men are there. Just like when you are on the city and drink,
boys/men been more"handsome" depending on how much you drink, hahaha ' But, seriously it's a long time since the last time I have experienced!

I love this perfume💕

tirsdag, mars 15, 2016

Beautiful sunset


I love the view from my room! As you can see is the nursery and I love children. They are playing, running, laughing and talking with other children. Also have the Windows open now that it has been so hot and then I hear
children's voices! Life is wonderful when you can have the Windows open and hear the children, birds and other sounds.

House Of Cards

I as you all may have been with you guys been watching "House of Cards". Episode 11 did a little impression on me. I knew that Frank was a selfish son of a bitch, but not that he was a cold-blooded killer
After episode 11 I had to have a little break, but now I start again with the hope that he will be punished and not be Prime Minister!

mandag, mars 14, 2016

Dag 85

Day 85
Write down all the great thing by everyone you know. Make a list of all the wonderful by yourself. Give compliments to people wherever you are. Praise absolutely everything you see. Be a ray of sunshine for all you meet, and
make their day better because they have met you. Say "thank you" all the time. Walk, talk, think and breathe recognition and gratitude. When you do this, your outer life to forandrr themselves and reflect your being's inner state!



Good Morning 🌞

lørdag, mars 12, 2016

Delicious lunsj👌


A healthy and good breakfast with a little mayonnaise on top👍

Hvilken serie er dette fra😉

fredag, mars 11, 2016